Do we really care about our Constitution? It's so old.

Do we really care about our Constitution? It's so old.

The Democrats in Congress still do not understand The Constitution. It’s the foundation of our nation. Not Congress, not the Executive Branch can make a law or executive order that contradicts the Constitution. It’s that simple. Thank you founding fathers! You guys are rock stars!

Here is the latest. Sen. Joseph Blyth (D-N.Y.) has introduced a bill to limit what newspapers and individuals can print or post on social media on specific topics that could shape the opinions of the American people in a dangerous way. The bill, if passed, would create a list of topics that must be approved by a government body (yet to be named) before printing or posting. The bill is called, “The Defense against Hateful Speech Act”. When asked about the origin of the bill Senator Blyth said, “Shakespeare put it best when he said the pen is mightier than the sword. We must be careful in what we say to each other these days. The power of social media and the cancel culture has shown that a few words can wreck lives. We need oversight in this area to protect the American people and the youth of the nation.”

The above paragraph is completely not true and made up. However, I hope it got you mad. The above is an attack on our 1st amendment. The 1st states,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; …”

You can see the made-up Senator is trying to limit what people can say under the guise of protecting the American people. This is a very slippery slope. Who would in their right mind would want to give up a right enshrined in our Constitution. We the People need to manage our own lives and not rely on government to do it for us.

I make this point in this context because of the very real Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) is introducing the “GOSAFE Act” to restrict the sale of guns based upon internal mechanisms such as detachable magazines and fixed magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. The Senator believes this bill would reduce gun violence. Not only is the bill unconstitutional, but it will also not save lives. Criminals will always find a way. This bill would only impact law abiding citizens and infringe on their rights. The 2nd amendment states,

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Senator goes on to say, “As lawmakers, we should be able to draw a line between traditional firearms used for hunting, sport and self-defense, and these weapons of war designed to take human life,” Senator the 2nd amendment is not to guarantee our right to hunt, it is to guarantee our right to defend our rights against tyranny and government oppression. The first thing an authoritarian government does is ban guns, and then all bets are off and we are living in Communist East Germany.

Why does the Democratic Party insist on coming after our Constitutional rights? It does not make sense. They are going against their oath and promise to the American people.

  • Ted Hitchcock